发布人:何杰  发布时间:2022-06-14   浏览次数:606

Stability for an inverse source problem in inhomogeneous medium

赵越      副教授





报告摘要:This talk concerns the inverse source problem for the three-dimensional Helmholtz equation in inhomogeneous background medium. The goal is to establish the increasing stability by using discrete multi-frequency data. The stability estimate consists of two parts: the Lipschitz type data discrepancy and the high frequency tail of the source function. As the upper bound of frequencies increases, the latter decreases and thus becomes negligible. The method is based on integral equations and analytical continuation, and requires the Dirichlet data only. The analysis employs scattering theory to obtain the holomorphic domain and upper bound for the resolvent. In addition, the stability is established on the inverse source problem in inhomogeneous background medium.



报告人简介:赵越, 2017年毕业于美国普渡大学获博士学位, 现任华中师范大学副教授。主要从事偏微分方程反问题的工作, 特别是光学、电磁学和波动方程中正反散射问题的研究。曾获加拿大约克大学YSF博士后学术奖学金(supported by Simons Foundation)。