发布人:何杰  发布时间:2022-06-22   浏览次数:349

A modified weak Galerkin method for H(curl)-elliptic problems


谢莹莹 博士






报告摘要:In this paper, we design and analysis a modified weak Galerkin (MWG) finite element method for H(curl)−elliptic problem. We first introduce a new discrete weak curl operator and the MWG finite element space. The modified weak Galerkin method does not require the penalty parameter by comparing with traditional DG methods. And we design a residual-type error estimator for a modified weak Galerkin (MWG) method of 2D H(curl) elliptic problems. Then, we show that the indicator is reliable with respect to the approximation error measured in terms of a natural energy norm, the main ingredient of our approach is to translate the error between weak solution and MWG solution into the conforming part and nonconforming part. We also prove the efficiency of the error estimator by using standard bubble functions. Finally, we provide several experiments to verify the performance of the error estimator within both uniform meshes and adaptive meshes.


报告人简介:谢莹莹,广州大学讲师,在华南师范大学先后获得硕士和博士学位,广州大学数学与信息科学学院博士后,主持一项国家自然科学基金青年基金,在 Journal of Scientific ComputingNumerical AlgorithmsJournal of Computational and Applied Mathematics学术期刊上发表论文。