发布人:何杰  发布时间:2022-06-22   浏览次数:506

Mathematical analysis and application of Perfectly Matched Layers for Maxwell's equations


李继春   教授/博导

University of Nevada Las Vegas



报告地点:腾讯会议:560 198 978


报告摘要:In 1994, Berenger introduced the concept of Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) in order to solve the time-dependent Maxwell's equations in unbounded domains. The PML can absorb outgoing waves of arbitrary frequency and any incidence angles. Since then, the PML idea has been extended to various wave propagation problems. In this talk, I will start with Berenger's PML and show the challenges of analyzing Berenger's PML model. Then I will talk about my joint work with many collaborators on analyzing both Berenger and Cohen-Monk PMLs, and developing some numerical methods for solving them. Numerical results will be presented to justify our analysis. Finally, I will mention some open issues.



报告人简介:Jichun Li is Professor of Mathematics and Director for Center for Applied Mathematics and Statistics at University of Nevada Las Vegas. He got his PhD from Florida State University and BS from Nanjing University. His previous positions include Postdoc Fellow at University of Texas at Austin, and Associate Director of Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) in UCLA. Research areas include analysis of  finite element methods, high-order compact difference methods, RBF meshless methods, and applications in electromagnetic wave propagation. He has published over 140 SCI journal papers and 2 monographs (one in the famous Springer Series in Computational Mathematics, vol.43, Springer, 2013). Currently, he serves as Editor-in-Chief of Results in Applied Mathematics, Managing Editor of Computers & Mathematics with Applications (both published by Elsevier), and Associate Editors of two other SCI journals.