1.Wei Luo and Chuanxi Duan, A Broadband Pulsed External-Cavity Quantum Cascade Laser Operating near 6.9 μm, Chinese Physics Letters, 33, 024207( 2016)
2.Wei Luo, Yulan Zhang, Wenguang Li and Chuanxi Duan, Jet-cooled infrared absorption spectrum of the ν4 fundamental band of HCOOH and HCOOD.Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 334,22 (2017)
3.Yuluan Zhang, Wenguang Li, Wei Luo, Yu Zhu and Chuanxi Duan, High resolution jet-cooled infrared absorption spectra of (HCOOH)2, (HCOOD)2 and HCOOH-HCOOD complexes in 7.2 μm region, Journal of Chemical Physics, 146, 244306(2017)
4.Zhuang Liu, Wei Luo and Chuanxi Duan. Mid-infrared quantum cascade laser spectroscopy of the Ar–NO complex: Fine and hyperfine structure. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 150, 064302(2019)